"Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord; the righteous shall enter through it. I thank you that you have
2thanyoanswered me and have become my salvation.
22 The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is the Lord's
23doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the
24day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
~Psalm 118:19-24
This week has been exceptionally long for me. I don't know why this week felt different because the routine was basically the same. Maybe it was the weather. We had snow, ice, rain and warm sunshine this week. And a few times, it was all in the same day! It's like winter and spring are playing tug of war.
We can be like that sometimes too. Our day can start off great and quickly go downhill. Or it can start off badly and then brighten up as the day goes on. That's life. It has it's ups and downs. Our moods also have ups and downs, and can change from one moment to the next just like the weather. The difference is, we can control what we say and do in spite of our moods. We don't have to spread bad moods, but we can share cheerful moods. Even when we don't feel great, we can choose not to share the misery. Too many people are doing that already.
Today, and every day, is the day the Lord has made. Choosing to rejoice and be glad in each day is choosing to rejoice in the Lord. No matter what goes on in life, our happiness is found in our steadfast faith in Christ, not in the circumstances around us.
"Your love, oh Lord
Reaches to the heavens
Your faithfulness stretches to the sky
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains
Your justice flows like the ocean's tide
I will life my voice
To worship You, my King
I will find my strength
In the shadow on Your wings"
~Your Love, Oh Lord by Third Day
(Psalm 36:5-6)
Read Judges 14-16
Weekend reading - finish book of Judges
A Year of Blessings by Marie McGaha ©2018
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